
Carrie's passion for holistic wellness and her deep understanding of the importance of nurturing the mind, body, and spirit led her to found her wellness brand, Glysa. With Glysa, Carrie aims to create a space where individuals of all ages can actively engage in practices that promote self-care, emotional well-being, and personal growth.

Drawing from her background in education and her own personal transformational experiences, Carrie is dedicated to supporting and empowering educators. She believes that by investing in the well-being of teachers, we are ultimately investing in the future of our children and our society as a whole.

Through her own journey of healing and self-discovery, Carrie discovered the transformative power of yoga and its ability to cultivate a strong mind-body connection. This realization inspired her to deepen her yoga practice and obtain her 200-hour yoga teacher certification through Yoga Alliance as well as a Social and Emotional Facilitator certification. She believes that by integrating mindfulness, movement, and breathing exercises into classrooms, educators can create a nurturing environment that promotes emotional regulation, empathy, and resilience in students.

Carrie's vision extends beyond the classroom as well. She recognizes the importance of fostering meaningful connections between children and their caregivers. Through Glysa, Carrie creates immersive experiences that allow children and caregivers to explore and embrace mind-body connection together. By providing a space for shared growth and self-care, Glysa aims to strengthen familial bonds and enhance overall well-being.

Carrie's journey, both personally and professionally, has taught her the power of mindfulness, self-compassion, and intentional living. Through Glysa, she seeks to inspire others to embark on their own transformative journeys, discovering their authentic selves and living with purpose and joy.

With her expertise in education, her passion for holistic wellness, and her unwavering commitment to empowering others, Carrie is making a profound impact on the lives of teachers, children, and families through Glysa. Her dedication to creating a world where well-being is at the forefront sets her apart as a true leader in the wellness industry.

As consideration for being permitted to participate in the Glysa Yoga/Wellness Class taught by Carrie Starr (the Instructor), I hereby agree that I, myself, my assignees, heirs, guardians and legal representatives will not claim against, sue or attach the property of the Instructor, Glysa LLC. or the participating location, Mequon Nature Preserve for injury or damage resulting from my participation in any aspect of the Glysa Yoga/Wellness Class; including breath awareness, movement, meditation, or other activities. I hereby release the Instructor, Carrie Starr and Glysa LLC and all agents and heirs from any and all such actions, claims or demands that I, my assignees, heirs, guardians and legal representatives now have or hereafter may have for injury or damage associated with my participation in ANY offerings of the Instructor and for all claims, injury damages or liability suffered by me in connection with my participation. Individuals hereby acknowledge that before participating in a class or program involving exercise, they should consult with a physician. I have carefully read this entire agreement and fully understand the above contents. I am aware and agree that this is a complete release of liability voluntarily assumed for my participation in all activities with the Instructor, Glysa LLC.

I am aware that participation in the Glysa Yoga/Wellness class may be a hazardous activity. I acknowledge that a certain minimum level of physical health, strength, fitness, and flexibility will be required. I am voluntarily participating in these activities with knowledge of the risks of injury for which I will voluntarily assume. I acknowledge that I have read the LEGAL LIABILITY RELEASE and agree to the terms outlined in this entire document.

I hereby certify that I am the adult parent or guardian of a minor child under the age of eighteen years, and I consent to his/her participation in in the Glysa Yoga/Wellness Class taught by Carrie Starr (the Instructor). I understand and acknowledge that I hereby agree that I, myself, my assignees, heirs, guardians and legal representatives will not claim against, sue or attach the property of the Instructor, Glysa LLC. or the participating location, Mequon Nature Preserve for injury or damage resulting from the participation of said minor in which I am responsible for in any aspect of the Glysa Yoga/Wellness Class; including breath awareness, movement, meditation, or other activities. I hereby release the Instructor, Carrie Starr and Glysa LLC and all agents and heirs from any and all such actions, claims or demands that I, my assignees, heirs, guardians and legal representatives now have or hereafter may have for injury or damage associated with my participation in ANY offerings of the Instructor and for all claims, injury damages or liability suffered by me in connection with my participation. Individuals hereby acknowledge that before participating in a class or program involving exercise, they should consult with a physician. I have carefully read this entire agreement and fully understand the above contents. I am aware and agree that this is a complete release of liability voluntarily assumed for the minor’s participation in all activities with the Instructor, Carrie Starr Glysa LLC.